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The Plight Of The Displaced

World Refugee Day 2024: A Day to Recognize the Strength and Resilience of Refugees

The Plight of the Displaced

Forced displacement is a global crisis affecting millions of people worldwide. Wars, violence, persecution, and natural disasters have uprooted countless lives, leaving individuals and families seeking refuge in new lands. The challenges faced by refugees are immense, including the loss of home, loved ones, and livelihoods.

World Refugee Day

History and Significance

World Refugee Day is observed annually on June 20th to commemorate the plight of refugees and to raise awareness about their needs. The day was first established by the United Nations General Assembly in 2000 to recognize the strength and resilience of refugees.

2024 Observance

World Refugee Day 2024 will be observed on June 20th under the theme, "Strength in Resilience." This theme highlights the extraordinary spirit of refugees who, despite facing adversity, continue to strive for a better future for themselves and their families.
